Monday, October 1, 2012

"Halloween! Halloween! Oh what funny things are seen!"

Today's title is brought to you by my childhood. Used to sing that song around Halloween when I was a kid and still find myself doing so at age 25...

SO, I'm completely stoked. Halloween is my favorite of all holidays. And I'm in extra Halloween mode right now because I have a killer idea for a costume AND I found the last few pieces of it yesterday at goodwill for $6 total.

I'm going as The Cheshire Cat. I was immediately inspired by this amazing costume I stumbled upon a week or so ago:
Cheshire Cat by Archaical--
(You gotta check out this chick's tumblr--Amazing stuff. )
So I'm putting my own spin on it and here's the progress (that I'm extremely excited about):

<---I found this ruff thing that I guess was on a jacket or something at one point for $2. PERFECT!!! Blue and gray fur.
And I got this super cute ruffly --->

shirt dress for $4, it looks good with those tights and my black boots so I can wear it more than for just Halloween! (hand is in the way get the idea)

I've got a very cool blue/lavender wig on it's way from China I think?, found it on Ebay for $9-ish I think and I'm going to be making some cat ears...not sure out of what yet, though. Wish I had some more of that blue fur but, alas. We'll see what I can come up with. I really want to get some cool cat eye contacts for the occasion but I don't know if that will be happening. those things are pretty pricey. I did find these that I like though: 
And they would DEFINITELY complete the look pretty awesomely. I dunno, we shall see. Just kind of depends. Too bad my journal sales have been down otherwise I'd be getting those things for sure. 

I love putting together costumes. Thus the reason Halloween is my super fave. I'm of the opinion every holiday should be celebrated with mandatory putting-together-of-costumes. 

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