Tuesday, December 27, 2011

ALL the cameras indeed.

First off this Christmas was pretty awesome and I hope everyone else had a wonderful Christmas as well. At the top of the list--it was mine and Noah's first Christmas as a married couple :D. Second on the list was (among all of the other awesome gifts everyone gave me) I got a ton of camera stuff -- all of which falls under the lomography category to boot!

To my wide eyed surprise and delight--my in laws got me the Diana F+ kit and some awesome filters (that I didn't even know existed) to go with my Holga 120cfn. My sister gave me some 120mm color film, Noah got me the DIY Twin Lens Reflex camera I've been drooling over on photojojo, and my mom gave me some money to buy whatever extra camera stuff I wanted (which will be going towards some film scanning masks so I can scan negatives into my computer for enlargement purposes, printing from my computer if need be, etc).

Needless to say I am SET with my lomography collection...for a good while at least ;). I got through all the manuals that came with the Diana F+ and started figuring out the workings of the camera today. Loaded my first ever roll of 120mm film in it and I'm ready to go! Noah and I are going out tomorrow (to sign the paperwork on our first car! :D) and so I'm gonna take it with me and see what I can find to take pictures of. Thinking the carousel at the mall might just be a must.

uper excited about this new collection. This should keep me super busy in my free time. And just in time for me to move across the country, right? Heh, that trip to El Paso is going to be nothing but "Hey! I wanna stop and take a picture". We may have to leave 2 weeks early. ;)

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